Despite Being The Paradise For Animals Why Don’t You Find Any Tiger In Tanzania?

While thinking of a Tanzania Safari; you can expect to meet almost all species of animals however the major one you may miss is one of the furious predators; Tiger. You will hardly get a chance to spot any Tiger in Tanzania. Consisting of 16 national parks and reserve areas Tanzania is the safari heart of Africa and many wildlife lovers tend to go on Tanzania safari again and again due to its untamed wildlife. 

Tigers are the largest species among the Felidae and known as the genus Panthera scientifically. These species of cats are the most beautiful yet the ferocious animals that are easily recognizable for its dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange fur. However, when Tanzania offers million species of animals it misses out Tiger. While visiting Tanzania destinations the common question that pops in mind why Tigers are missing, well we have gathered some information for you to clear your doubt and present some facts about these majestic predators.   


Researchers believe that ancestors of tigers originated in Africa


Tigers belong to Felidae family of cats just like lions and leopards. It’s been believed by the researcher that the tigers were originated in Africa and share common ancestors with leopards and lions.  Well, it’s not true that you won’t spot a tiger in Africa, but the chance is very low, however, you won’t find them on your Tanzania Safari. You may spot one in a zoo or few people keep them as a pet or at some specially protected areas.


 Tigers are the biggest among all the cats

Siberian Tigers

Out of all the living cats Tigers are the biggest ones weighing up to 3ooKg and measuring up to 4m length. With long, sharp, retractable claws, powerful jaws and pointed teeth; tigers are one of the strongest members of the big cat family, particularly the Siberian Tigers. 


 Reasons why these biggest cats never returned to Africa again

Widely believed that these magnificent species; tigers being originated in Africa sharing the same ancestors the furious predators of Africa. It’s believed by the researchers that about 2 million years ago, one group of Felidae migrated to Asia and got settled there.

However, the real reason why tigers never returned to Africa is unknown but the researchers believe that when the group of tigers migrated to Asian country they found the climate more suitable for them to live and grow. As African continents consist more savannahs it’s not as suitable for tigers as it is for lions. As their skin is orange or dark yellow having unique black stripes it’s hard for them to hide in the plants of Savannah, hence haunting became difficult for them. which can make the condition worse for the Tiger to survive in Tanzania. But in the Asian continent, the dense jungles made it easy for them to hide and hunt. 

As per another speculation, it is believed that after migrating to such long distance and after residing in a suitable climate Tigers didn’t look back to again cross such a long distance. With time their sub-species spread over many Asian countries like India, China, Nepal, and more.       


Where do tigers love to live?

Tigers in the Forest

Tigers are quite flexible and can live in diverse places like rain forests, grasslands, and even mangrove swamps. These furious cats, however, love Asian countries after migrating from Africa; you can spot tigers roaming freely in Bangladesh, Vietnam, Cambodia, India, Bhutan, Thailand, Indonesia, Laos, China, Malaysia, Russia, Nepal, and Myanmar, etc. The dense forest & swampy lands of Asian countries suites the tiger most than the savannah grasslands of African countries, Not even the wildlife paradise, Serengeti.


 How many subspecies of Tigers are there?

Tigers are one of the largest cats species and one of the charismatic predators of all. Over a century the numbers of these magnificent animals have decreased to 95% however, now there are many plans are made to save these iconic animals.

There are totally 9 sub-species that are found on earth;

  • Sumatran Tiger
  • Siberian Tiger
  • Indian or Bengal Tigers
  • South China tiger
  • Malayan tiger
  • Indo-Chinese tiger
  • Bali tiger
  • Javan tiger
  • Caspian tiger


Could tigers survive in the wild Tanzania?

Lions in Serengeti

As per their physical strength, yes they can live in Africa but now it’s almost impossible for them to live in the territory where lions, cheetahs, and leopards rule. Tigers are not sociable like lions, except mating season they prefer to lead solitary lives whereas lions usually live in groups. While it comes to haunting lions will be more powerful as they hunt in groups, and cheetahs are top runners where leopards escape through trees. But tigers will have to starve between all these master predators residing in Africa. 


 Their strips are their unique identity 

Tigers In The forest

 The stripes on the tigers enhance their hunting quality. These stripes help them to hide in the tropical forests and grasslands. This helps them easily hide out from the prey so that they can catch their hunt. Amazingly these stripes are like fingerprints; all are different from one another. It’s not possible to find any 2 tigers with identical stripes.   

Some additional information about the behavior of Tigers

  • Tigers are so powerful that they can even kill you with one punch
  • Tigers are nocturnal animals; not all but most of the tigers
  • The cubs of the tiger are blind when they born and half of the cubs survive to become an adult
  • Tigers love to swim
  • A tiger lifespan is almost 25 years
  • The tiger groups are called ambush or streak
  • These massive cats can mate with other cats except their own species
  • Though not the fastest runners, but tigers can run up to 60km per hour due to their strong legs
  • Tigers don’t attack humans unless they feel some kind of threatening

While planning for Tanzania Safari it’s better to know all the facts so you don’t feel the expectation doesn’t match. However, the country offers such diverse wildlife, birdlife, and cultural experience that will surely amaze you. Want to explore the best of Tanzania destinations and meet the majestic beasts, then just pay a visit @

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